Bloodborne takes a step away from the already established formula of the Night Souls games. Hunters are much quicker on their anxiety and employ quick dodges more than blocking an attack. Combat speed in Bloodborne has been turned up to xi compared to previous Souls games, and a new armory of weapons is here to have to be utilized.

Weapons in Bloodborne usually have two forms, allowing for more than versatility in a unmarried weapon. Depending on your situation, your weapon tin be adjusted even mid-combo to alter its abilities and damage potential completely.

10/ten Saw Cleaver

Bloodborne Character About to Ambush Beast

The Saw clever is the poster child weapon for the game and is one of your outset options when selecting your starting gear. The Saw doesn't offer much in range nor heavy attacks, but its quick attacks can quickly heal upward lost health.

The smaller and quicker attacks are perfect for smaller combos that permit yous to quickly disengage and dodge away from a fast moving boss. It'due south 2nd form simply offers a few changes from the commencement, slowing the attack animation but increasing the impairment.

9/10 Kirkhammer

Player In Hunter's Dream Wielding Kirkhammer

The Kirkhammer is unique in that when using just it'south sword, the rest of the hammer is seen on the hunters back well-nigh equally large as your character. While this is one of the bigger and slower weapons, it's even so impressive to run into hunters motility and fight with such a big weapon.

The Kirkhammer scales most from strength and is perfect for those looking for heavy attacks that stagger smaller beasts. It'due south sword form is also a quick and constructive, making information technology perfect for when smaller quicker attacks are needed. This weapon has i of the largest ranges in forms going from a fast standard sword to massive human being sized hammer.

viii/10 Rakuyo

Boss Using Rakuyo

The Rakuyo scales heavily of skill, and is perfect for players wanting to play this game as fast-paced as possible. The usual one-handed form does decent harm, and the two-handed form splits the weapon into a sword and dagger to dual-wield.

While the two-handed course does only a pocket-sized alter is attack damage, the faster paced attacks in combos allows for much more harm over fourth dimension than the i-handed style. This weapon is also great for groups of enemies with its spin attack.

7/10 Tonitrus

Church Member Using Buffed Tonitrus

The Tonitus is one of the few weapons that scales mostly off of arcane in Bloodborne. Magic takes a back seat in this entry every bit apposed to previous ones, only tin can still be a very viable build. Even in its second form, the Tonitrus is only always wielded in one hand.

The 2d form of this weapon has it buffed with bolt damage. The buff is relatively quick and requires no stamina nor stopping its regeneration. While buffed, the weapon does increased bolt impairment to targets and scales heavier off your cabalistic state.

6/10 Ludwig's Holy Blade

Player Using Two Handed Ludwig's Holy Blade

Ludwig's Holy Blade is a one-handed sword then can exist combined with the sheath on the hunter's dorsum to form a greatsword. This weapon scales off of strength, skill, and heavily on arcane. This weapon is versatile and useful in most builds as an early game weapon and can snowball heavily later in the game for massive damage.

The greatsword style is a big weapon that tin stagger nearly human sized beast with the right attack. Despite its size in that location is less negative effects to your speed and a faster attack animation than the Kirkhammer.

5/x Simon's Bowblade

Bloodborne Player Using Bow To Attack Beast

The Bowblade is unique in assuasive players to use a ranged attack while wielding the 2d course of their weapon. About weapon's 2nd form requires both hands to use, and often times has the player putting away their firearm.

The Bowblade can be fired using quicksilver bullets while in bow class, and this attacks harm further scales from your blood tinge skill. The Bowblade can exist upgraded to scale off both strength and skill as a "S" giving information technology incredibly high impairment capabilities in the late game.

4/10 Holy Moonlight Sword

Player Using Two Handed Holy Moonlight Blade

The Holy Moonlight Sword is a recurring weapon in the Souls series, redesigned to fit the lore of this world. In its regular form this weapon is a medium-sized greatsword. It scales off of strength, skill, and arcane.

Its second form is more recognizable, every bit it envelopes in a bluish light. In this form it does much more arcane harm and is able to use quicksilver bullets for ranged attacks. These ranged attacks launch a blue arc of arcane energy hitting enemies in forepart of the player for very loftier impairment.

3/10 Whirlgig'due south Saw

Bloodborne Player Holding Whirlgig Saw Overhead

The Whirlgig Saw scales heavily from strength, and some from skill and arcane. Its one-handed attacks are relatively basic and are a solid choice compared to other ane-handed weapons in the game.

This weapon truly stands out in its second form, which is dual buzz saws on the stop of a pole. This class does incredible amounts of damage and has multiple attacks depending on your state of affairs. Its all-time attack allows you to simply saw an enemy standing in front of your for very high consecutive damage, shredding unlucky bosses who briefly stand nonetheless

2/x Hunter Axe

Bloodborne Player Using Hunters Axe Facing Fire Dog Boss

Despite beingness one of the weapons you can initially cull at the start of the game, the Hunter Axe is viable throughout the entire game. It scales best off of strength, and has a relatively fast attack speed for its loftier impairment.

Both forms of the axe are incredibly useful. Its two-handed class is best for groups of enemies, able to stagger near. It'south charged assault is perfect for situations where yous are surrounded or just need to send an enemy flight backwards.

1/10 Chickage

Player in Cainhurst Knight Armor Wielding Chickage

The Chickage is one of the more difficult weapons to find as information technology is institute simply in the optional surface area of the base game. This weapon is unique in that information technology scales off of claret tinge, and tin can be upgraded to somewhen reach "Southward".

With a very high blood tinge, your sword and firearm volition both do incredibly loftier damage, assuasive yous to focus on one skill for both weapons. Its 2-handed class does constantly drain health, but profoundly makes upwardly for it by doing incredible amounts of damage. With enough vitality, y'all'll discover well-nigh beasts expressionless earlier y'all demand to worry virtually your slow claret loss.

Next:Bloodborne: Every Ending, Explained